Facing Prostitution Charges in Virginia
When two consenting adults make choices, neither should face repercussions, right? Usually, this is true; but when those choices involve trading sex or sexual acts for financial gain, both individuals may face criminal charges.
Prostitution is illegal in Virginia. Depending upon the exact actions and situation, prostitution charges can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. In both cases, convictions can have a significant impact on those involved, as well as on their families.
If you are facing any type of prostitution charges it’s time to engage professional representation.
Working with an experienced prostitution charges defense attorney can have a very real effect on the outcomes of your arrest. Hiring this professional is an investment in your future.
In Richmond and the surrounding area, Cody Villalon is well-regarded for the legal defense services he provides. A seasoned criminal defense lawyer experienced in handling prostitution cases, he is known for his commitment to providing high-quality service. Contact him at 804-316-0756 to schedule a no-cost, confidential consultation and learn how he will approach your case.
5 Reasons You Should Engage Cody Villalon
The Whys Are Important
Identifying and engaging a prostitution charges defense lawyer is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. This individual’s actions will safeguard your future and help to protect your reputation. Choosing the right firm is a serious decision, one to which you should give considerable thought. Below are five reasons why many in your position trust Cody Villalon to build their defense.
- Knowledge and Experience: Mr. Villalon has more than a decade of professional experience, considerable knowledge of Virginia prostitution laws, and established working relationships with those in the legal community.
- Personal, Hands-on Defense Service: Cody Villalon is a sole proprietor; as such, you can expect him to personally handle all aspects of your case.
- Skillful Negotiator: Settling cases during negotiations is often the ideal outcome for those facing prostitution charges. Mr. Villalon has a knack for identifying what is best for his clients, what will satisfy the prosecution, and making deals that protect a defendant’s future.
- Stellar Reputation: Mr. Villalon’s reputation for success is outstanding, but what helps to set him apart from others in the industry is the genuine respect with which he treats his clients. He recognizes that everyone has personal reasons for their actions, and he never criticizes their choices. His job is to focus on your future, not judge your past.
- Confidence in Court: While resolution through negotiation is often ideal, Mr. Villalon never hesitates to build a solid defense and go to court if appropriate. Every action he takes is with his client’s best interests at heart and with their explicit approval.
Consider the reasons shared above; these tenets have served Mr. Villalon and his clients well. His commitment to his community is long-standing and well-regarded. He is ready to begin work on your case immediately.
Recognizing What Cody Villalon’s Defense Services Entail
Providing Full Service, From Start to Finish
What will your prostitution charges defense lawyer do for you? This is an important question, one whose answer you must understand before engaging counsel and moving forward. You want to work with an experienced professional who will handle the entirety of your case. Cody Villalon is this criminal defense attorney. He prides himself on being the ultimate resource for those he represents. In every case, Mr. Villalon can be relied upon to:
- Provide a no-cost consultation: Believing that connection is a critical component of an attorney/client relationship, Mr. Villalon offers all potential clients a free consultation.
- Review everything: In prostitution cases, details matter. Sometimes the smallest issues make the biggest difference. Mr. Villalon takes time to examine the circumstances surrounding your arrest, including the actions of the officers involved. He ensures that at no time were your rights violated, and, if they were, he will address it.
- Communicate on Your Behalf: Communication during a criminal investigation and proceedings is part art and part science, and experience and knowledge are critical to manage it appropriately. Mr. Villalon handles all communications for his clients, specifically asking them not to speak with anyone (even the police) regarding the case unless he is present. Unfortunately, seemingly innocent comments can jeopardize a criminal case.
- Preparation for Everything: Whether you need to appear at a hearing or testify in court, Mr. Villalon will ensure you are adequately prepared. He spends considerable time explaining what you can expect and coaching you on how best to respond.
- Identify Positive Outcomes: Every situation can result in multiple endings. Mr. Villalon focuses on the charges and evidence against you and all of the mitigating factors. He recognizes the likely outcomes. During negotiations he will present all offers to you. This is your life, and you always have the final say.
- Build Your Defense: Being prepared is crucial. Mr. Villalon will work to build your defense. Information he uncovers and strategies he employs can help during negotiations and at trial.
The legal process associated with prostitution charges is complicated. With Cody Villalon as your prostitution defense lawyer, you can rest assured he will handle everything. He is on your team for the duration of the legal process.
Prostitution Charges in Virginia
Facing a Misdemeanor Versus a Felony
Depending upon the circumstances leading to an arrest, those charged with prostitution in Virginia can find themselves facing either misdemeanor or felony charges. While misdemeanor charges are less severe, they still can negatively impact both your life and your reputation.
Some of the actions that may lead to misdemeanor prostitution charges in Virginia are:
- Engaging in sexual activity for financial gain
- Soliciting another to engage in sexual activity for financial gain
- Keeping, residing in, or frequenting a bawdy place
- Aiding in prostitution.
All of the above charges are Class 1 misdemeanors. Those found guilty face penalties of up to 12 months in jail and/or monetary fines of up to $2,500.
Felony charges of prostitution are more serious. Those who are compensated for procuring prostitution, who are paid for the services provided by a prostitute, or who detain, confine or take an individual for prostitution face Class 4 felony charges. Punishments if convicted include monetary fines of up to $100,000 and jail time ranging from two to ten years.
There are a host of additional consequences violators face if they are found guilty: their reputation may forever be damaged and relationships with friends and family compromised.
All prostitution charges are serious, so those accused should not try to defend themselves. Engaging an experienced prostitution criminal defense attorney is in their best interests.
Reaching Out for Help in Time of Need
Cody Villalon Is a Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney
Years ago, Cody Villalon made a commitment to those facing criminal charges in Richmond, Virginia. His belief in the necessity of providing quality defense services to those who most need them is deep-seated. His reputation is outstanding, and he remains the first call for many who find themselves in trouble.
Mr. Villalon’s knowledge of Virginia prostitution law and experience in leveraging successful defense strategies — including entrapment, proving the individual charged did not solicit, and lack of evidence, among others — is significant. He is steadfast in protecting his client’s rights and is always available to meet with them.
Contact Cody Villalon Today
Mr. Villalon understands the severity of your charges as well as your concern for your future, so he is available to meet with you right away. During this time, he can gain a better understanding of your situation and share how he would approach your case. Contact him today at 804.316.0765 to schedule your free consultation.